dobrý den
Potřebuji poradit jak dostat html stránku do calcu.
Něco jsem stvořil ale nic to nedělá.
Sub import_html
dim vyber, bunka, document, dispatcher as object
document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")
REM This is an array from 0 To 0 of type PropertyValue
Dim args1(0) As New
Dim sURL As String 'URL of the document to load
sURL = "file:\\\C:\Web\Vysl_mix_tipsportu.htm/Fotball.ods/uprava_tpsp"
args1(0).Name = "HTML_Tables"
args1(0).Value = True
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:file:\\\C:\Web\Vysl_mix_tipsportu.htm", "", 0, Array())
'StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromUrl(sURL, "file:\\\C:\Web\", 0, args1())
End Sub
Předem moc a moc děkuji Franta
Sub nabidka_tpsp
dim url As String
Dim oDoc, oSelection As Object
Dim oAddress As new
'Call nastavoblast_proImport
oDoc = ThisComponent
oSelection = oDoc.getCurrentController().getSelection()
if oSelection.supportsService("") then
oAddress = oSelection.getCellAddress()
oDoc.AreaLinks.insertAtPosition(oAddress,"file:///C:/Web/Nab_1_mix_tipsportu.htm","HTML_Tables","calc_HTML_WebQuery","0 0")
End Sub